How to Include Counter Arguments in a Logical Manner for Your Essay

How to Include Counter Arguments

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Has your professor ever made you intrigued over figuring out a fitting counter argument for a debatable essay? It may even be coining a counter argument as an example sentence. For most students, coming up with a fitting counter statement or a logically interesting one can be quite a challenging and intimidating task indeed. This is mainly because you must get the right standpoint that lies within the purview of the scope of the essay.

On a general note, argumentative essays like the ‘Cause-and-the Effect Essay, Agree-disagree genre and Opinion style essays that describe the What, Why, When and How of a situation demand highly effective counter argument example sentences. Here, you must think and analyze from multiple points of view to arrive at a logical stance or opinion verdict to describe your side of the essay.

In this online guide, let us explore various aspects of what a counter argument is and how to use one correctly in your essay. Helping you get started with the same:

Meaning and definition of what a counter argument is in an essay

What is a counter argument from a definitive point of view? Counter argument is an opposing statement wherein the writer offers a logical reasoning for opposing the thesis statement. Via a thesis statement, the writer explains what the author is trying to say. They then counter-argue why they oppose the statement the author has presented to them.

Generally, in the introductory paragraph, you usually begin with whether you want to agree or disagree with a stance. Let us have an example drawn up for you to understand better:

Topic title: ‘Consumerism is the sole component that feeds capitalism!’ To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Introduction: ‘I completely disagree with the fact that the purchasing power of people can alone drive capitalist economies. The economy is driven by several factors like inflation, poverty levels of individuals, and the power of ruling governments that decide how powerful a capitalist economy is. Let me explain each one of them so that my stance validates my disagreement!’

Here, you disagree on the stance and also counter-argue on why you say so. Here, we have a perfectly poised counter argument example sentence.

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Importance of Counter Arguments

The importance of a counter argument in an essay cannot be underrated. By including logically oriented counter argument statements, the writer proves that they can analyze the situation from various points of view and decide which is the perfect solution he is going to go for. Not only does the writer do that, he also explains their purview to the audiences in a well-convincing manner. Helping you understand the importance of counter arguments in a point-by-point manner:

1.   Subject Matter Expert

When the writers are able to coin convincingly good counter arguments, they are able to prove their prowess in terms of how knowledgeable they are on the subject matter that is presented to them in the form of an essay paper. When you present your viewpoint from different points of view, you are regarded as the subject matter expert for the domain you plan to write on. Hence, it is the quality of counter arguments that proves your quality of work as a writer.

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2.   Research of the subject matter

When you know how to write a counter argument in a precise and dedicated manner, the audience will eventually realize that you have researched the topic or crux of the essay several times before attempting to write that particular essay. Only scholars who have researched their subject well will be able to create this kind of opinion in the minds of the readers.

3.   Counter arguments respect the view points of other writers too

When you coin counterarguments like a pro, you tell the audience that you do not want to clash with the opinions of other writers, and you respect their work, too. On the contrary, you are disagreeing the points of view from your thinking angle and giving the verdict from your perspective. Therefore, excellent formation of counter argument example sentences helps you achieve respect and credibility for the work you do.

4.   Helps you open your mind to opposing ideas

When you know how to start a counter argument paragraph effectively and cohesively, you tell your audience that you do not blindly go with what the author has presented to you. You may have to argue in such a sensible way that your audiences know that you have an open-minded approach to discussing opposing points of view, too. It is the counter-arguing statements that help you achieve the same.

How do you start a Counter Argument?

As you already know, a counter argument is an opposing statement you must coin from what has been explained to you in the thesis. Therefore, you must make sure to what extent you deny the statement that has been put up for discussion. You must explicitly oppose the verdict at the beginning itself. This way, you tell your audiences which side you are on.

You cannot afford to omit hints or rebuttals while framing pointers in an argumentative essay. This is because you do not want the audience to know that you are one-sided and have blunt ideas. You must, therefore, think from a highly objective point of view to derive a counter argument example sentence in an audience-engaging manner.

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In this segment, let us look at a few of the highly engaging tips and techniques on how to write a counter argument comprehensively.

1.   Using Counter argument starters

Are you a newbie with respect to coining counter argument sentences? Or, are you a pro and a seasoned writer with respect to counter-arguing? Whatever the case may be, you must tell the audience that you are beginning to validate or counter-argue with respect to the stance that is presented in front of you. Therefore, using the appropriate counter argument starters is something you cannot afford to miss out on!

2.   What are these counter argument starters?

Would you want to know how to start a counter argument paragraph from the scratch? Well, it is these starters that give you with a robust head start with respect to the same:

  1. On the other hand


  1. However


  1. But/ Yet


  1. Whereas


  1. On the contrary


  1. Alternatively


  1. A possible problem or concern of XYZ/ ABC is


  1. Conversely / In Contrast with

3. How do you handle rhetorical questions?

When you want to sound a little more polite or diplomatic, you can ask gentle rhetorical questions that still gives the essay a decent level of a counter-argumentative impact. Here is how the questions are framed!

  1. Wouldn’t it be better if


  1. May I beg to differ on this


  1. Nonetheless, how can this be true

Here, you fully prove that you stand in solidarity with what the author has to say and still manage to counter argue or validate points in favor of your verdict on the stance that is presented in front of you.

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4. Statistical ways of representing counter arguments

Sometimes, you may have to cite external resources or information to validate pointers in favor of your stance. Here is when you make use of effective statistical counter argument statements to prove your point to your audiences. Here are few examples with respect to the same:

  1. According to the Research done by Harvard University


  1. Many medical studies claim that


  1. Quite a lot of students feel that


  1. Education experts feel that

When you reveal the exact agencies or names of surveying organizations that conducted such theories, you can mention the year in which the studies or the research analysis was being done. This is to ascertain that you have backed up research studies that support your stance or counter statements you have presented in your essay.

5. Using effective transition phrases

Counter argument statements always start with transitive verbs or phrases to inform audiences what is being looked for in the essay. However, students who practice essays must aim to use contextual phrases that suit the situation and the scope of the essay. Hence, the right set of words must be chosen in congruence with the essay genre you are aiming for. These are transition words you can plan for your essay:

  1. Not to mention


  1. Likewise


  1. Similarly


  1. On top of that


  1. Further more


  1. Additionally


  1. Firstly/ Secondly/ Thirdly/ Finally

These are some impactful steps on how to start a counter argument paragraph in a successful and audience-engaging manner indeed!

Why do you include counter arguments for an Argumentative Essay?

As said to you in the previous paragraphs, a counter argument is done mainly because you want to prove your stance to the author convincingly. You want the readers to understand that you are not biased or judgmental from one side of view while you demonstrate to your audiences that you are capable of looking at the prelude from multiple points of view.

At the same time, good or seasoned writers coin their counter argument example sentences in such a convincing manner that they do not offend the sentiments of the author who presents the essay on the paper. And the right set of points is put across the table. Therefore, a counter argument is mainly done as it bridges the opinion stance of the author and the opinion stance you have got to say in a well-balanced manner.

Plus, when you skillfully coin counter arguments, you also convince your audiences that you have researched the topic from multiple resources and you are a subject matter at the topic you have chosen. You can do that in a well-poised manner.

Examples of Counter Argument Paragraph

In this segment, we are going to have a look at exact way as to how a counter argument example sentence exactly looks like, on your essay paper. Helping you get started with the same:

Here is your topic for discussion:

Many college students argue that smoking on campuses cannot be banned as it isn’t illegal’. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Here is how you start a counter argument paragraph in a cohesive manner.

Ineffective Counter Argument:

“Many students prefer to smoke on college campuses. They often argue that authorities can’t ban smoking on campus if it isn’t illegal!”

Or this:

“However, the college management is the ultimate decision-maker and can prohibit whatever they deem harmful on campus!”

The counter argument is an ineffective one here as the writer has not explained the crux of the message that has to be portrayed here. He/she has simply paraphrased the contents of the essay as presented to him/her on the essay paper.

Now, let us see how the counter argument has to be done correctly.

Effective Counter Argument:

“Yet, second-hand smoke can harm people in the vicinity that suffer from conditions like asthma, thus putting them at risk of health deterioration!”

Here, this is the example of how an effective counter argument has to be portrayed. The writer merely does not paraphrase the meaning of the statement but he/she reasons out on the why and how behind smoking of cigarettes into college campuses.

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Do you want to know the common mistakes or fallacies you must avoid while coining counter argument statements?

These are some of the common mistakes or fallacies that you must not make while you try framing counter arguments. Helping you get started with the pointers here:

1.   Not doing ample research

When you do not perform ample research from the web or literary resources, you may not be able to perform an analysis from multiple points of view. Therefore, you cannot coin effective counter statements that can be convincing enough from the audience’s point of view. Therefore, when you coin logical counter statements, you must have performed research from ample resources.

2.   Not including supporting ideas for your thesis statements

Not including supporting statements in favor of your thesis statement is a very grave mistake writers commit when they coin counter-arguing statements. This is mainly because you coin your verdict stance as your thesis.

And, when you do have supporting or validating statements supporting your thesis, then it amounts to a double standard approach you adopt towards your essay writing. Therefore, all validations or opposing points of view must cover the thesis statement in a thorough and explanatory manner.

3.   Incoherent line of thought

Suppose your thesis statement is not cohesive or does not lead to a sequential or systematic flow of thoughts or ideas. In that case, you may not be able to convey the intended message to your audiences in the way you had envisioned it to be. Therefore, maintaining and uniform or consistent line of thought for your intro, body and concluding paragraphs is something you must aim for.

4.   Using biased or offensive language to prove your point of view

Using biased or offensive language for an essay definitely does not reflect the writer’s calibre in a poised manner. Using provoking statements and offensive lines of thought shows how biased and self-centered you are as a person. Therefore, you must coin your counter-arguing statements in such a way that you respect the tone of the author in all its worthiness.

5.   Not giving enough credit to the author’s standpoint

The person who has the essay topic done for you remains the Author while you are the Writer. Hence, you must maintain a neat balance between the two of you. Although you oppose the statements from the Author’s point of view, you must delicately do so and also provide ample credit citations to what the Author has got to say.

6.   Using weak counter arguing statements

When you just coin statements that touch the peripheral or the shallow layers of the essay topic, you do not do complete justice to the essay. Your standpoint must adhere to coining stronger and more effective counter-arguing statements so that you are able to prove your stance or verdict to the audience in an emphatic manner.

7.   Dilly dallying between your thesis and ideas of contradiction

When you dilly-dally between your thesis and ideas of contradiction, it shows a non-focused and indecisive mindset of you as a writer. That is not the impression you want to portray to your audiences who intend to read your essay. Therefore, you must have a clear-cut flow of ideas that connects the thesis statement and your opposing ideas seamlessly.

8.   Using too much of sarcasm on your essay

When you use too much sarcasm or satire in your way of expression, it looks as though you insert needles through the bananas while you are trying to prove your ideas or thoughts to your audience. And you cannot afford to sound too offensive to your readers. Therefore, you must not use too much sarcasm or satire while you try counter-arguing.

Concluding thoughts to Remember

We have seen a comprehensive overview of how to write a counter

argument convincingly and comprehensively. The dos and don’ts you must follow while writing counter-arguing statements have also been discussed with you in a nutshell. A few examples of how to start a counterargument paragraph effectively have also been demonstrated to you in a nutshell.

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Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs

1.   For which type of essay genres do you use counter arguing statements in an extensive manner?

Answer: For the Agree/Disagree essay and Cause and Effect essays, there arises a need wherein you discuss on a topic from multiple points of view. In order to make your thought process more emphatic, you must use audience-engaging counter statements in an effective and precise manner.

2.   Why does an argumentative essay use counter arguments?

Answer: As the name suggests, you are arguing with what the author has to say. You use contradictory ideas and opposing viewpoints that refute the stance of the essay. Therefore, using logical and effective counter-arguing statements is what the need of the hour is. Only then will you be able to refute the author and bring out your points of view in a convincing manner to your audiences?

3.   Where do you effectively place your counter argument statements in?

Answer: You place your counter-arguing statements throughout the body paragraphs of the essay. However, in your introduction paragraph, you reveal your stance through an effectively drawn-up thesis statement followed by an itinerary you would want to follow throughout the essay.


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