Compare and Contrast essays topics and Ideas

compare and contrast essay topic

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Compare and Contrast essays form a crucial part of academic writing wherein the student explores the different aspects of two or more subjects simultaneously. By comparison, the student reveals the similarities between two or more subjects, while, through contrast, the student identifies the differential aspects of two or more components.

When you choose topics of comparison, both issues belong to the same category, although they have minor differences. Say, for instance, you can compare two different kinds of movies or two different types of recipes! These essays enhance critical thinking, analytical abilities, and communication skills of students or writers. Choosing the right topic is essential, as it shapes the direction and depth of analysis.

Deeper meaning and conceptual understanding behind Compare and Contrast Essay topics

Compare and contrast essay ideas usually stem from a central focus point. The writer compares the importance and holistically derives the highlights of two similar objects. While on the other hand, the writer also subtly differentiates the vital points of differences between the objects drawn up for comparison. Here, the writer also explains the overall importance and implications of the analysis, drawing up meaningful insights between two similar objects.

Therefore, to draw up a valuable piece of content for a compare-contrast essay, the writer must draw up neat thesis statements explaining the meaning of both objects that are taken up for a comparative evaluation.

Compare and contrast essay topics are quite popular among college and University students. Professors usually allot this genre of essays among students to test their analytical skills and logical reasoning at a deeper level of understanding. This way, students pay closer attention to subjects they compare.

To write a good compare-and-contrast essay, one also requires more detail on the subjects chosen for comparison. Therefore, the student has to observe both subjects carefully. Then, they frame meaningful points of references and then draw up arguments or differences between two points of view.

How do you brainstorm similarities and differences?

Firstly, you must draw up two columns on your rough pad. Label the first column as ‘Similarities’ and the other as ‘Differences’. For example, you can compare and contrast ‘Oranges’ and Sweet Lemons’. Both ‘Oranges’ and ‘Sweet Lemons’ are rich sources of Vitamin C and grow from similar types of trees. Whereas, oranges are a little sweeter as compared to sweet lemons which have a mildly sour taste attributed to them. Therefore, orange juice is a direct source of glucose while sweet lemon juices are a little sweet-sour in nature. Although oranges and sweet lemons’ are similar fruits, you were still able to point out subtle differences between the two of them. This is how you brainstorm similarities and points of disagreement for compare and contrast essay topics.

Drawing up Venn Diagrams or using statistical charts or reports can also help students bifurcate ideas more precisely and comprehensively. In a nutshell, drawing up columnar diagrams highlighting the similarities and differences between two objects enables you to derive ideas and points of arguments breezy.

While it is easy to draw up differences between two things or issues of view, drawing up similar comparing pictures does require a deeper level of understanding of both the subjects that are taken up for comparison, on the whole.

How do you draw up the outline and structure for a Compare-Contrast Essay?

So, how do you structure compare-contrast essays? For a compare-contrast essay, the writer relies heavily on factual examples and realistic theory lines.

Therefore, here you require two outlining methods to deduce the essay. These two methods are as follows:

  1. The Block method
  2. A point-by point method of structuring.

Now, let us have a brief overview into each of them:

1.   The Block Method

In the block method, you outline the specific characteristics and overall features of both the objects under consideration. You then outline comparative aspects or the similar aspects of the objects. Finally, you move on to draw up lines of differences between the two of them.

2.   A Point-by-Point Method of structuring

As the name suggests, you derive the 1st point of comparison for Object A Vs Object B. You will simultaneously outline the first point of difference between both the objects that have been taken up for discussion. Similarly, you would cite the 2nd comparing point and the difference between both the subjects. Once you have derived all your comparing and contrasting arguments in a point-by-point manner, you frame a fitting Conclusion for your essay.

Let us know how a point by point method of structuring is done!

Example Thesis: The essay topic is Cars Vs Motorcycles. The thesis statement reads as ‘ Cars and motorcycles make for excellent means of transportation, but a good choice depends on the person’s lifestyle, finances, and the city they live in.

For a point by point level of structuring, you define the pros and cons of cars and motorbikes in terms of a person’s lifestyle for the 1st paragraph.

Body paragraph 1- Lifestyle:

Points for comparison for a motorbike

  1. Motorbikes are smaller in size and therefore require lesser storage space to park them in.
  2. Motorbikes are easier to learn as compared to cars

Contrasting pointers for Cars Vs Motorbikes are as follows

  1. Cars make a bigger impact as status symbols as compared to motorbikes. For instance, most people consider cars their second homes while such a degree of superiority is not given to motorcycles on the whole.
  2. Cars add to better memories for long drives
  3. Cars provide more leg space and are comfortable for passengers to sit in as compared to cramped spaces motorbikes provide to passengers while they are pillion-riding.
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Body paragraph 2- Finances:

  1. Cars are more expensive than motorbikes. Say for instance, you can buy a motorcycle for under $300 while you may not be able to purchase a car for the same budget.
  2. Space parts are easier to fix for a motorcycle as compared to that of a car.
  3. Damaged spare parts require more expenses to replace in case of a car as compared to that of a motor-cycle.

Body Paragraph 3: City

  1. Cars are better to drive when you have wider roads.
  2. Motorcycles are preferred modes of travel on streets that have narrow roads.
  3. Cars are more comfortable to drive even when you want to travel out of the city

Hence, here you dissect your ideas in a point-by point manner.

Let us now look at how pointers can be drawn up for a Block Method:

Body paragraph 1: Motorcycles

Aspect 1 Lifestyle:

Motorcycles are smaller in size and require lesser garage spaces.

Aspect 2- Finances:

You can avail motorcycle spare parts for under $300.

Aspect 3- City

Motorcycles make convenient options for riding on narrower roads

Body Paragraph 2: Cars

Aspect 1- Lifestyle:

Cars are considered as a status symbol next to homes.

Aspect 2- Finances:

Cars are more expensive and spare parts to replace for cars remain costly too.

Aspect 3- City

  1. Cars can be driven safer and comfortable on city roads
  2. Cars cause fewer accidents while they are driven on wider roads
  3. Cars make lovable options to drive outside of city too.

In a block method, we describe the features of motorcycles in terms of its comparing and differentiating aspects first. We then tackle pointers for cars in a separate paragraph.

Usage of transitive verbs throughout the essay

For a typical compare-contrast essay, you must present tabular facts and figures throughout the essay. As you compare objectives that are similar in nature and you differentiate objectives that are contrasting between one another, you must use a liberal number of transitional phrases to prove points on the essay.

For comparing objectives these are the transitive words that you can use:

  1. Similarly
  2. Likewise
  3. As same as
  4. Also
  5. This is similar to

This way, you draw up points of comparison for likeminded characteristics between the given objects.

Contrasting verbs for transition

While contrasting or differentiating ideas or thoughts between the given subjects, these are the transitive verbs or phrases you can use:

  1. In comparison to
  2. While
  3. Whereas
  4. But
  5. This is dissimilar to
  6. Apparently
  7. Contrastingly

Usage of proper transitional words also helps readers navigate from one section of the essay to another in a seamless manner.

Showing evidences in a fool-proof manner

Good compare-contrast essays use solid evidence or proofs to explicitly display viewpoints. You can cite examples from newspapers, magazines, scholarly articles and even web-based resources to prove your points of view authentically and credibly.

For example, the article reads like this: Campus learning vs. distance learning, you can cite your personal experiences on how long it takes to commute from your home to the College and back. If you had taken up classes online, you could cite your personal experiences on how convenient it was to take up your learning sessions from the Internet. Citing personal experiences also adds a certain degree of validity to prove your essay’s points authentically.

Discover Compare and Contrast examples

In this segment, we are going to have a look at how compare-contrast examples are done interestingly. Let us do the role-play in the form of a real time example:

Case study 1- To examine the cultural differences between two countries- United Kingdom Vs China

As you have already be aware of, different countries have different cultural norms and practices that impact their society’s overall lifestyle and development. In this aspect, a cultural enthusiast named Geert Hofstede came up with a 6-dimensional pyramid by which cultural differences between different countries and economies can be measured. He said that this cultural 6-step theory clearly establishes different parameters based on which a community’s behavior and cultural practices differ from that of another. He says there are 6 main factors that distinguish people from one country from that of another. These are:

  1. Long-term orientation
  2. Individualism
  3. Distance relationships
  4. Luxuries and personal indulgences
  5. Norms and practices that the economy typically avoids
  6. Gender disparity

Based on these 6 parameters, let us move on compare and contrast the economies that are prevalent at the United Kingdom and China.

Here, the writer clearly states his objectives or parameters based on which points of comparison and contrasting ideas are going to be drawn up. The structure or anchor point for this compare-contrast essay has been built in a thorough manner.

Case study 2- Organic Vs Non-organic foods


It is to be noted that the demand for organic foods has increased so much as compared to the demand you have for inorganic foods. This is mainly because consumers spend a significantly more proportion of their income in purchasing organic foods over that of inorganic foods. In the US markets, there is an increase of 10% in sales during the years 2014 and 2015. As a matter of fact, consumers prefer organic foods as they are safer, tastier and healthier. The detrimental environmental effects organic foods have, weigh lesser impact as compared to inorganic foods. By definition, organic foods are ones that are grown without the use of artificial supplements. Here, manufacturers do not genetically manipulate the growth of foods by including hormones or antibiotics.  Let my essay draw up more interesting compare-contrast factors with respect to Organic Vs Inorganic foods.

In this example, the writer ignites the spark of the audiences by including statistics and interesting facts on organic foods. He clearly cites why people should not be promoting artificially grown foods or meat products. The anchor points are well connected in the Introduction or Thesis paragraph and the student can tabulate the above mentioned pointers in a more elaborate manner via body paragraphs to conclude the essay in a fitting and compelling manner.

How do you choose interesting Compare-Contrast Essay topics?

Compare-contrast essay topics have to be chosen in a highly audience-engaging manner. This is mainly because these essays are not tell-tale stories you want to tell your audiences. The reports are compiled based on real-life scenarios and everyday lifestyles of audiences who like to get practical insights by reading your essay content.

Therefore, you must choose topics backed by statistical figures and scientific factors rather than including fictional spin stories out there.

Let us have a look at six main parameters on how to choose exciting topics that cover the Compare-contrast genre:

1.   Locating current topics

As an exam setter or a paper-setter, you must look for current topics that are trending on the internet. The audiences want to know about gripping issues they face concerning their choice of education, lifestyle preferences and so on. Henceforth, compare-contrast essay topics must be based on current affairs, and we do not want fictional spin out there.

2.   Topics that focus on specialization

Choosing topics must belong to a specialization genre. You want your essay writers to specialize in the subjects they wish to write about. This way, when you allow your students to write on topics they are passionate about, they will put more focus and effort while they frame content.

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Using opinion polls, you can figure out topics your students specialize in. Based on the poll results, you can try curating suitable issues that cover the compare-contrast genre!

3.   Argument driven essay topics

Choosing argument-driven essay topics is what the examination evaluators must look for. Therefore, you must have sufficient issues that give ample scope for students to argue from both points of view holistically and engagingly.

Arguments must also be supplemented with reports, tally figures and validation info that support opinions or your points of view. Choosing topics that can promote healthy debating among student writers is what University authorities can go in for.

4.   Avoid topics that lack depth and scope of understanding

You can avoid topics that lack depth and scope of understanding. The issues that allow spin stories are not what students are looking for. You must provide your audiences with well-compiled and gripping content, too. Therefore, you must typically avoid those topics that lack depth and scope of understanding.

5.   Compelling summaries are must haves

You must be looking for topics that evolve compelling summaries or concluding lines. After carefully analyzing each argument based on its pros and cons, the student must summarize the component effectively. The concluding lines or fitting summary lines can create long-lasting impressions on the minds of your audiences.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Now let’s delve into the exciting list of 200 compare and contrast essay topics. These topics cover a wide range of disciplines and interests, providing ample options for students to choose from:

  1. Online Education vs. Traditional Education
  2. Public Schooling vs. Homeschooling
  3. Working Remotely vs. Working in an Office
  4. Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing
  5. Formal Attire vs. Casual Attire
  6. Facebook vs. Twitter
  7. Veganism vs. Vegetarianism
  8. High School vs. College
  9. Urban Living vs. Rural Living
  10. Fictional Books vs. Biographies
  11. Democracy vs. Autocracy
  12. Mobile Phones vs. Personal Computers
  13. Ancient Greece vs. Ancient Egypt
  14. Freelancing vs. Full-time Employment
  15. Renewable Energy vs. Non-renewable Energy
  16. Single Life vs. Married Life
  17. European History vs. Asian History
  18. Capitalism vs. Socialism
  19. Novels vs. Movies
  20. Traditional Art vs. Digital Art
  21. Indoor Activities vs. Outdoor Activities
  22. Democracy vs. Monarchy
  23. Email Communication vs. Written Letters
  24. Mac vs. PC
  25. Psychology vs. Sociology
  26. Science Fiction vs. Fantasy
  27. Classical Music vs. Jazz
  28. Traditional Medicine vs. Modern Medicine
  29. Online Dating vs. Traditional Dating
  30. Organic Food vs. Conventional Food
  31. Winter Sports vs. Summer Sports
  32. Android vs. iOS
  33. Public Transportation vs. Private Transportation
  34. Classical Dance vs. Contemporary Dance
  35. Social Media vs. Traditional Media
  36. Western Culture vs. Eastern Culture
  37. Online Gaming vs. Console Gaming
  38. Traditional Wedding vs. Destination Wedding
  39. Democracy vs. Communism
  40. Urbanization vs. Suburbanization
  41. Classical Physics vs. Quantum Physics
  42. The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones
  43. Traditional Sports vs. Extreme Sports
  44. Nature vs. Nurture
  45. Traditional Education vs. Vocational Education
  46. Fiction vs. Non-fiction
  47. American Football vs. Soccer
  48. Heterosexual Marriage vs. Homosexual Marriage
  49. Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality
  50. Fast Food vs. Home-cooked Meals
  51. Western Literature vs. Eastern Literature
  52. Romantic Comedy vs. Action Movie
  53. Online Streaming vs. Cable TV
  54. Ancient Rome vs. Ancient China
  55. Environmental Conservation vs. Economic Development
  56. Cats vs. Dogs as Pets
  57. Modern Art vs. Contemporary Art
  58. Globalization vs. Localization
  59. Urban Decay vs. Urban Renewal
  60. Classical Ballet vs. Hip Hop Dance
  61. Democracy vs. Dictatorship
  62. Traditional Games vs. Video Games
  63. Gender Equality vs. Gender Equity
  64. Science vs. Religion
  65. Traditional Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage
  66. North America vs. South America
  67. Coffee Shop vs. Tea House
  68. Traditional Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine
  69. Modern Technology vs. Traditional Methods
  70. Adventure Travel vs. Relaxation Travel
  71. Public Libraries vs. Digital Libraries
  72. Urban Gardening vs. Rural Farming
  73. Rock Music vs. Pop Music
  74. Online Communication vs. Face-to-Face Communication
  75. Traditional Clothing vs. Modern Clothing
  76. Genetic Engineering vs. Natural Selection
  77. Online Banking vs. Traditional Banking
  78. Basketball vs. Football
  79. Nature vs. Technology
  80. Traditional Society vs. Modern Society
  81. American English vs. British English
  82. Fast Fashion vs. Sustainable Fashion
  83. Democracy vs. Theocracy
  84. Traditional Art vs. Street Art
  85. Fine Arts vs. Performing Arts
  86. Public Schools vs. Private Schools
  87. Traditional Music vs. Modern Music
  88. Space Exploration vs. Ocean Exploration
  89. Indoor Plants vs. Outdoor Plants
  90. Traditional Sports vs. E-sports
  91. Renewable Energy vs. Nuclear Energy
  92. Online Communication vs. Offline Communication
  93. Traditional Work Hours vs. Flexible Work Hours
  94. Classical Literature vs. Contemporary Literature
  95. Global Warming vs. Climate Change
  96. Western Philosophy vs. Eastern Philosophy
  97. Traditional Marriage vs. Civil Partnership
  98. Traditional Sports vs. Extreme Sports
  99. Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality
  100. Online Streaming vs. Cable TV
  101. Ancient Rome vs. Ancient Greece
  102. Modern Art vs. Contemporary Art
  103. Traditional Shopping vs. Online Shopping
  104. Environmental Conservation vs. Economic Development
  105. Cats vs. Dogs as Pets
  106. Classical Ballet vs. Hip Hop Dance
  107. Democracy vs. Dictatorship
  108. Traditional Games vs. Video Games
  109. Gender Equality vs. Gender Equity
  110. Science vs. Religion
  111. Traditional Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage
  112. North America vs. South America
  113. Modern Technology vs. Traditional Methods
  114. Adventure Travel vs. Relaxation Travel
  115. Public Libraries vs. Digital Libraries
  116. Urban Gardening vs. Rural Farming
  117. Rock Music vs. Pop Music
  118. Traditional Clothing vs. Modern Clothing
  119. Genetic Engineering vs. Natural Selection
  120. Online Banking vs. Traditional Banking
  121. Basketball vs. Football
  122. Nature vs. Technology
  123. Traditional Society vs. Modern Society
  124. American English vs. British English
  125. Fast Fashion vs. Sustainable Fashion
  126. Democracy vs. Theocracy
  127. Traditional Art vs. Street Art
  128. Fine Arts vs. Performing Arts
  129. Public Schools vs. Private Schools
  130. Traditional Music vs. Modern Music
  131. Space Exploration vs. Ocean Exploration
  132. Traditional Sports vs. E-sports
  133. Renewable Energy vs. Nuclear Energy
  134. Traditional Work Hours vs. Flexible Work Hours
  135. Classical Literature vs. Contemporary Literature
  136. Global Warming vs. Climate Change
  137. Western Philosophy vs. Eastern Philosophy
  138. Traditional Marriage vs. Civil Partnership
  139. Urban Living vs. Suburban Living
  140. Coffee vs. Tea
  141. Nature vs. Nurture in Child Development
  142. Traditional Education vs. Montessori Education
  143. Democratic Leadership vs. Autocratic Leadership
  144. Traditional Medicine vs. Western Medicine
  145. Jazz vs. Blues Music
  146. Traditional Dance vs. Modern Dance
  147. Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels
  148. Traditional Wedding vs. Destination Wedding
  149. Traditional Art vs. Digital Art
  150. Democracy vs. Monarchy
  151. Traditional Holidays vs. Modern Celebrations
  152. Fictional Books vs. Non-fiction Books
  153. Organic Food vs. Processed Food
  154. Nature vs. Nurture in Personality Development
  155. Traditional Media vs. Social Media
  156. Classical Music vs. Rap Music
  157. Western Culture vs. Eastern Culture
  158. Paper Books vs. E-books
  159. Traditional Medicine vs. Alternative Medicine
  160. Urban Living vs. Rural Living
  161. Mac vs. PC
  162. Traditional Sports vs. Motor Sports
  163. Traditional Work vs. Freelancing
  164. Android vs. iOS
  165. Cats vs. Birds as Pets
  166. Classical Literature vs. Modern Literature
  167. Public Transportation vs. Private Transportation
  168. Traditional Art vs. Contemporary Art
  169. Physical Books vs. Audiobooks
  170. Democracy vs. Socialism
  171. Traditional Family vs. Single-Parent Family
  172. Urbanization vs. Suburbanization
  173. Classical Music vs. Country Music
  174. Western Movies vs. Eastern Movies
  175. Traditional Marriage vs. Cohabitation
  176. Desktop Computers vs. Laptops
  177. Traditional Communication vs. Digital Communication
  178. Traditional Sports vs. Water Sports
  179. Nature vs. Nurture in Intelligence
  180. Traditional Agriculture vs. Organic Farming
  181. PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming
  182. Traditional Writing vs. Typing
  183. Ancient History vs. Modern History
  184. Democracy vs. Communism
  185. Traditional Art vs. Graffiti
  186. Traditional Sports vs. Martial Arts
  187. Handwritten Letters vs. Emails
  188. Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics
  189. Traditional Storytelling vs. Digital Storytelling
  190. Traditional Fitness Programs vs. Online Fitness Programs
  191. Traditional Politics vs. Digital Activism
  192. Traditional Fashion vs. Vintage Fashion
  193. Traditional Food vs. Fast Food
  194. Reality TV Shows vs. Scripted TV Shows
  195. Introverts vs. Extroverts
  196. Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing
  197. Dogs vs. Cats as pets
  198. Single Life vs. Married Life
  199. Traditional Agriculture vs. Sustainable Agriculture
  200. Traditional Gender Roles vs. Gender Equality
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Summarizing lines to Remember

We have seen several end-to-end aspects of how compare-contrast essays must be drawn up. The outlining and structural methods for framing a pyramid for these essays have been explained in depth. The nuances of how starting paragraphs must be done have been illustrated via real-life example topics.

The essential techniques you must follow while choosing compelling topics under the compare-contrast genre have also been explained at length. With this, we end this online segment on how compare-contrast essay topics can be chosen in a highly compelling and audience-engaging manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.   How do I benefit from writing Compare-contrast essay topics?

Answer: By writing compare-contrast essays, you improve your analytical and logical thinking skills. Here, you must draw up fitting points of comparison and differentiate aspects that are contrastingly opposite. In a nutshell, you must simultaneously compare-and-contrast between two similar objects that the essay curator has placed in front of you.

2.   Do I have a service provider who can help me write essays in a compelling manner?

Answer: You do have a service provider who can provide you with the right kind of impetus and inspiration you need for drawing up compare-contrast essays in a flawless manner. This is All Assignment support, and you can arrive at our landing page via our website:

We deal with all forms of academic writing, summer internships, assignment compiling, thesis dissertations and project work collecting for graduate and postgraduate students. Our pool of writers is Ph.D. holders with solid experience in a specialized field. Therefore, you can have a customized approach tailor-made to suit your requirements on any type of writing.

3.   How can I improve my grades while writing compare-contrast essays?

Answer: As a student, you must provide an entire length thesis paragraph. This way, you tell your audiences what your standpoint point concerning the subject you have for comparison or contrast.

The body paragraphs must be well-compiled with supporting arguments and validations. Here, you can include external citations from literary works or web-based resources to provide a better degree of depth and credibility for your essays.

Above all, you must provide your audiences with mind-provoking concluding lines or summaries drawn up in tandem with what you have tried explaining to your audiences all the while.

4.   Can you suggest some of the more debatable topics that cover Compare-Contrast Essays?

Answer: These are some of the better topics that cover a comprehensive scope of discussion for a Compare-Contrast essay.

  1. Modern Medicine Vs Traditional Medicine

Here the writer explains the overall advancements that have been achieved in the Medical field towards treatments of varied diseases or ailments known to human kind. Alongside, you must evaluate the pros and cons of Modern Medicine Vs Traditional medicine and then deduce which out of the two is a better option.

You can also cite numerous examples over how traditional medicines prescribed from Ayurveda or Homeopathy have helped people get rid of medical disorders over English medicines.

  1. Bulimia Vs Aneroxia:

The Writer clearly examines both the cases via a compare-contrast model and deduces how each of them are equally bad in reducing the overall immune power of your body’s metabolism and then educates the audiences why you should adapt to a more healthy way of living.

5. What are some of the tips you must apply while writing a compare-contrast essay?

Answer: The concluding paragraph is what is known as the Summarizing paragraph. Compare-contrast essay topics are semi-opinionated essay genres. Here, you draw up lines of comparison between two given objects, and then frame contrasting differences between the two of them.

Here in the Summary paragraph, you must tell your audiences why Object A scores precedence over Object B or vice-versa. In other words, you explain to your audiences as to why you feel that out of the two, you choose one of them as a better option. Your deciding lines of verdict must cover your Summarizing lines.

Here are a few general guidelines as to how you can achieve the same in a seamless manner:

  1. Do not start a new pointer on a Summarizing or a Conclusive paragraph. You have already given your audiences brainstorming ideas while you compare and contrast between the given set of objects. Therefore in a concluding paragraph, you must come to a Conclusion and not confuse your audiences.
  2. Have mind provoking lines to educate your audiences as to why one scores better over the other. Therefore, you must keep your lines simple for a Summary paragraph and there is absolutely no need to re-iterate those pointers that have already been discussed via your body paragraphs. Beating around the bush confuses the audiences which stand you are on.
  3. Use the key words ‘Upon a compare-contrast analysis of Object A Vs Object B, I feel the advantages of Object B is better over that of the former as I have given several reasons as to why my option is the better one’.

When you use essay-specific key words, you direct your audiences to the main genre of essay that you are talking about.

6. What are some of the suggestions for proof reading your essay?

Answer: You can make use of internet-aided tools to help you proof read your essay better. You can make use of Grammarly Premium to run through grammatical errors that may be visible on your essay.

You can use AI tools to scan through traces of plagiarism or AI that may pertinently be present on your essay. By proof reading your essay thoroughly, you bring a better degree of originality or authenticity to your essay.

7. Why is it important to clarify concepts in an essay?

Answer: It is important for you to clarify concepts in an essay as you do not want to go on a Merry-go-round drive with your audiences. You must cite authentic pointers that are validated with facts and figures while you aim to present your essay. This way, you add a better value to your growing audiences over leaving them confused over why you were writing this essay in the first place.

Therefore, it is always better to clarify with your professors or lecturers over the kind of pointers that are desirable to cover, with respect to the main content of the essay. This way, you are saved from the trauma of rewriting your essay several times before your first draft gets finalized into the original draft that you may have to submit to your University or College authorities.

8. What types of evidences should be used to support arguments in an essay?

Answer: Scholarly articles from books or literary resources can be cited while you support arguments in an essay. You cannot be biased over your point of view. Your explanations with respect to a certain ideology must be well-tabulated through facts and figures. Web links can also be cited for establishing a degree of authenticity to your essay pointers.

In a nutshell, you must include web-based as well as literary resources from books or journals, while you want to cite evidences that cover the main content of your essay.

9. How can Compare-contrast topics be applied to various topics?

Answer: Let me give you a real time example here. When you go to Mc Donalds, you choose between French fries and salad bowls. You evaluate the health benefits of both and you prefer ordering a salad bowl as it is more nutritious for your health over having French fries that is laden with junk calories. This is a simple and a realistic example how you apply a compare-contrast model to decide between two options.

Therefore, you can apply compare-contrast model of choosing one medicine over the other. You can use the method to choose between two FMCG brands. You can use the same model to decide between two Universities to choose which one of them is better. Therefore, the compare-contrast model of deducing stuff can be applied to various topics under the sun.

10. Why are Compare-contrast essay common among College and University students?

Answer: Compare-Contrast essays are common preferences for College and University students as professors have the flexibility to choose or apply the formula covering a multitude of topics.

Say for instance, you can include Compare-contrast model for medicine, education, lifestyle, real estate, beauty concepts, therapies, and varied other genres that cover the day-to-day lifestyle of humans. Therefore, this model is preferred over other genres of essays.




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