Entrepreneur Project Ideas For High School Students

Entrepreneurship is not a sideline career. It demands creativity, innovation ability to take up challenges, exploration of business opportunities development of ideas and implementation in a creative way to turn it into a profitable endeavor. Successful entrepreneurship revolves around innovation, organization, planning, and execution. Entrepreneurship projects for high school students can be used as a tool to assess the potential of these young minds to become young entrepreneurs. Apart from these the high school students get to learn the value of hard work, determination and how to stay focused on the goals set, and work towards the achievement of the same.

Schools and colleges need to extract inherent entrepreneur skills by honing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. According to The Network of Teaching Entrepreneurship “Entrepreneurial skills such as  creative problem solving and collaboration are important for academic success.” This has been suggested by an extensive body of literature. This does not mean that it is obligatory for every student to start a business. Extensive research suggests that entrepreneurial skills overlapped with non-cognitive skills are accommodating just like other aspects of education. Exposure to entrepreneurial skills leads to an increase in self-efficacy, achievement orientation, risk-taking propensity, and problem-solving skills, analytical skills, personal finance, nature of credit and debit, incentives, economics, and fiscal policies. These are vital for the personality building whether they become entrepreneurs or normal employes.

Initiatives To Be Taken By The Alma Matter To Teach Entrepreneurship.

Honing the public speaking skills

Focus on practicing public speaking and pop up debates. They can be from any current topic or area of interest. This is akin to the entrepreneurs speaking to woo the investors or while speaking to their potential customers. Make this a part of the school curriculum along with standard class discussions.

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Focusing on project-based learning

The project-based learning can be described as a process for students to gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a genuine, involving, challenging or mind-boggling question or problem. In entrepreneurship usually, they are required to begin to attempt a problem or a challenge during the launch of a start-up. The main objective of initiating the project-based learning is to empower students to define real-world problems with a sane solution created for the same.

Modification of School Curriculum with integrated high quality

The school curriculum should be modified by including relevant contemporary material focusing on real issues rather than the fictional ones. They can be exposed to organizing fundraising or volunteering activities.

Introduction of authentic tools and platforms:

Introduce digital sites which are usually used by entrepreneurs to establish platforms and target audience. These can also be used by the students to share their work with the rest of the world but keep in consideration the age of the student. So the choice of right strategies can help develop skills needed to develop in the entrepreneurial world.

Project Ideas For High School Students:

Social media consultancy

Using social media networking as the tool, the high school students can apply to small skills to small businesses and offer services creating, managing, and maintaining a  blog, facebook page and twitter account for a decent pay

School campaign promoters

From student council campaigns to prom queen campaigns, high schoolers have ample opportunities to market themselves. Not only that it offers the high schoolers to hire a team of professional promoters, who will aid them from designing to co-ordination for the campaigns, enabling them to focus on learning the marketing techniques.

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Food Truck business

Starting a food truck in school or in your town is a pretty good idea. This business akin to the restaurant business relies heavily on networking from farms to local government aides all needed for this business to flourish.

Lunch leftover packages

The kids can collect the leftovers from the school Cafeteria, have a pickup location and then donate it. This kind of business project gives an idea of food management working along the lines of government set up rules.

Jewelry design

Teens who are fashionistas and have a love for creative endeavors can hire kids with the same passion and make small jewelry. The created pieces can be then sold online or in flea markets.


Young artists can start an enterprise of hand made soaps or canvassed artwork by hiring the same tribe of specialists and carry out enterprising like a pro


The ability of problem-solving is the trendiest and of great demand. The ability to identify problems and provide solutions is the core of Marketability. Once the solution is identified try working on ways to figure out methods to reach others with the same needs. Good solutions are indeed entrepreneurial opportunities.

Its never too early to incorporate the entrepreneurial skills to kids. The main motto of entrepreneurial projects is to tap the hidden talents of high school students and channelize them to enable them to become the best entrepreneurs.


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