Discover 100 Compelling Medical Research Topics for Students Pursuing their Medicine

for students pursuing their medicine


The medical field is something that is evolving every single day. New research and synopses on how to perform surgeries or protect patients from developing diseases are coming up on the tables for you to delve into, and this is happening every day. Newer viruses are being found that can impact the DNAs of human beings, and so are more unique methods of treatments formulated.

Therefore, for a nursing or medicine student, choosing an apt topic for his research or dissertation can be daunting indeed. Do the student’s interests lie in detecting the correct set of treatments that aim at enhancing the health care system of the general public? Or do they want to perform their thesis segment on Cancer treatments? Likewise, the spectrum of interests differs from one student to another.

Therefore, the main focus here is to help you choose the correct set of medical research topics for your assignment writing project studies or to draft your white papers for your dissertation. Helping you unveil 100 compelling health topics to write about:

How to choose the right set of topics for Medical Research?

Before we outline the topics for you, there are a few other guidelines you may have to get yourselves acquainted with. How do you get to choose the right type of medical topics to write on? Does your specific study area coincide with what you want to write about? You may have to select health research topics that grab the reader’s attention.

This way, you can showcase your knowledge in the specific area of your study. You must also be equally passionate about the topics you choose, and only then will you be able to put your heart and soul into the writing field.

You can always provide the best outcome when you love what you do. Again, the projects you take up or the white paper case studies covering medical research topics with their examples must help you progress through academics. Therefore, here are brainstorming ideas for performing your research and choosing suitable medical research topics. Helping you get started with the same:

1.   Choosing interesting topics

It would help if you did thorough research and analysis on medical topics already done by your fellow students or previous batches of your college alumni. This is because you want to avoid repeating the same pattern. Therefore, you must choose or aim to select health topics to write about that have never been taken up before.

Ensure you do not choose topics that are too narrow and lack depth of understanding. In other words, you must select those medical topics that can be backed up with ample research-backed studies and external biblical resources. This way, you could provide more authenticity to the issues you aim to write about. It would help to choose topics that allow you to dive deep into the subject matter. This shows that you are a thorough professional who does not just want to take up the job but also wants to excel at it.

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2.   Narrowing down your choices

The next important step comes once you have chosen a broader spectrum of study. It would help if you narrowed down your options from the topics under your chosen study area. Suppose you have a potential group of health research topics; narrow down your choices on which issues have ample

scope for research-backed medical papers. What are the topics with up-to-date info in terms of the latest research updates, tabloid news articles, trends, and developments in medical research topics with examples? You must narrow down your lists based on the above.

3.   Checking out for relevant sources of information

The third step is to find relevant resources that can back up your specific area of research. You can browse newspapers, textbooks, journals, or other medical field articles to back your site of thesis or project themes. This way, you can choose potential medical research topics that coincide with the specified piece of research.

You can create index columns and include biblical references. This way, you can cite resources and web links depicting the sources of the information. Again, if a particular health disorder or a disease interests you, you can narrow your health research topics based on the same.

4.   Using the WH method

WH stands for the three W’s and an H- Why, What, When, and How. By identifying the what, when, why, and how of the medical topics you are about to choose, you will be able to define the scope of your project or research studies more compellingly. What is the size of your theme or your project studies?

Is it based on nutrition and diet? Are you going to choose topics based on nursing research topics? Or would you want to select something in between? You ask these questions before zeroing in on the exact issue you will write on or perform your research studies. A few more questions you can ask yourself are:

How are these topics going to guide the research paper studies in the future, and what new information can your research bring to improve the end of the medical industry? These are questions you ask yourself to zero in on topics that require attention to what is happening in the current medical field.

Read Also: Neuroscience Research Topics

100 Medical topics to choose from

Now that, we have seen brainstorming ideas on how to choose topics and themes for your medical research, now comes the step of outlining what these topics are. Helping you to get started with the same:

1.   New Medical Research Paper Topics:

  1. Epidemics Vs Pandemics
  2. Child health care
  3. Medical humanitarian research in the developing world
  4. How homeopathy medicines can lead to a placebo effect?
  5. Discovering the causes and treatments of viral infections
  6. Is performing medical research on animals ethical?
  7. Exploring the dangers as well as the benefits of vaccination
  8. How can artificial organs and tissues help human kind?
  9. A know-how on rare genetic disorders
  10. How can you prevent brain injuries?

2. Medical Research Topics for College Students

  1. Discovering the various types of antibiotic treatments
  2. Homeopathy Vs Allopathy
  3. Describe the know-how on types of chronic diseases
  4. What are types of palliative treatment care and options that are available?
  5. How are people battling Alzheimer’s disease?
  6. How does modern lifestyle affect the Gen Z millennials?
  7. Explain 10 different types of occupational hazard diseases
  8. Explain 7 types of sleep disorders that plague people in the age groups of 25-55
  9. What are the physical and mental changes one undergoes due to ageing?
  10. Explain 10 eating disorders
  11. Explain 5 varieties of terminal diseases that are preventable

3. Controversial Medical Topics for Research Papers:

  1. How do you implement food standards in a robust manner?
  2. Explain the causes of gluten allergy
  3. Explain assisted suicide techniques for patients who are terminally ill
  4. What are the ethical concerns with respect to testing vaccines on animals?
  5. What are the moral responsibilities behind cloning?
  6. Can marijuana be legalized for medical purposes?
  7. Explain medical approaches concerning abortion
  8. Explain the benefits and dangers of adhering to vegan diets
  9. Is increased life expectancy a burden on the present health-care system?
  10. Explain causes and effects of circumcision
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4. Health Research Topics

  1. How can environmental changes impact the lifestyle of human beings?
  2. Explain the impact of climate change on the overall lifestyle of human beings
  3. How does one tackle communication disorders that are related to deafness?
  4. Is diabetes a silent killer? If yes, how do you say so?
  5. Explain the newer types of corona viruses that can impact public health in future
  6. Explain Oral Health Assessment
  7. Can tobacco and alcohol control improve the quality of your life?
  8. What are the diseases that are caused by lack of physical exercise?
  9. Can increase in urbanized pollution lead to formation of respiratory diseases?

5. Medicine Research Topics

  1. Explain the major causes for the increasing number of Cancer cases
  2. Explain Insulin resistance with compelling examples.
  3. How does terrorism impact one’s mental health?
  4. State the latest developments with respect to AIDS/ HIV
  5. Explain the major points of differences between treating pregnant women and that of non-pregnant women.
  6. List down latest innovations with respect to medical instruments.
  7. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using genetic engineering.
  8. Can successful treatments be done for treating mental illnesses? Explain using suitable examples and case studies.
  9. Is autism considered as a disease? Explain further.

50   Explain the points of differences between natural coma Vs artificially induced Coma.

6. Health Care Research Topics

  1. Explain Govt’s role in enhancing the investments at the health care industry with respect to the EU and USA.
  2. Explain the inequalities and insecurities with respect to the health-care industry.
  3. Explain the pros and cons of the digitally maintained health records for patients.
  4. How can health care services be improved for prison inmates across the country?
  5. Explain the impact of smoking on the health of your organs.
  6. Explain the impact of asthma and suggest ways and means of preventing the same.
  7. Explain the impact of breast cancer amongst patients.
  8. Explain a systematic course of treatment to help treat Cancer patients effectively.
  9. What the causes and effects of people who have suffered heart attacks? Can they lead successful lives post having suffered an attack?
  10. Suggest latest developments in the field of Cancer.

7. Mental Health Research Paper Topics

  1. Explain the various causes for anxiety related disorders.
  2. State various signals by which you can identify patients of having impact with some form of childhood trauma.
  3. What are the various causes of depression amongst patients?
  4. Can you explain the consequences of dementia amongst patients?
  5. What are the various stages of the Memory Loss or Parkinson’s disease?
  6. Explain Alzheimer’s disease in a stage-by-stage manner.
  7. Explain post partum depression with compelling examples.
  8. Explain Seasonal Affective disorders with suitable examples.
  9. Can psychological treatments be adopted for people belonging to all walks of lives?
  10. Why do people have a taboo in explaining their mental illnesses over their physical illnesses?

8. Anatomy Research topics

  1. How does chemotherapy affect your body?
  2. Explain the functions of thyroid glands in your body.
  3. Explain the human endocrine system and its functionalities.
  4. Explain how the liver functions in your body.
  5. Explain the different types of heart diseases with suitable examples.
  6. How does the human muscular system develop?
  7. Explain the importance of lymphatic system.
  8. How do you investigate genetic disorders?
  9. Explain the entire anatomy of your digestive system.
  10. Explain the entire anatomy of your spleen.

9. Bio Medical Research Topics

  1. Explain the vaccines and drugs development in the treatment of Ebola disease.
  2. Explain antibiotic resistance with compelling examples.
  3. What are the biological effects that are connected with ageing?
  4. Explain various effects of air pollution on your health.
  5. Expalin the points of comparison between the infectious diseases of the present over that of a past.
  6. Explain the concept behind regenerative medicine with suitable examples.
  7. Explain ways and means by which you improve the overall immunity of your body.
  8. Explain various methods by which bio-medical diagnostic procedures be done.
  9. Explain Biomedical technology by describing its overall knowhow.
  10. Can surgical instruments be improvised to improve patient care or assistance? Explain the scenario at the field with compelling examples.
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10. Cancer Research Topics

  1. Explain the impact of your immunity cells to fight against Cancer.
  2. Explain the methods of computational oncology.
  3. Can spread of Metastasis be impact through drug assistance?
  4. Explain stem cell technology with compelling case studies done on patients already.
  5. Explain tumor micro-environment with suitable examples.
  6. What is the co-relation between obesity and age with respect to formation of different types of Cancers?
  7. Explain the benefits of early cancer detection.
  8. Explain a comprehensive form of diet Cancer patients can follow to improve their health.
  9. Explain pathogen related Cancers with suitable examples.
  10. Is Bone marrow cancer treatable? Explain medical procedures relating to the same.

Do you have trouble creating well-defining topics and finishing them with a professional touch and expertise? Fret not when you have an Assignment firm namely the ‘All Assignment Support team’. We have professionals who can provide you with a hand-holding support for College or University students complete their assignments or projects in a comprehensive manner. Log in to and we are available 24/7 to help you out with your projects.

Concluding Lines to Remember

We have seen the various aspects of how you can frame medical research topics in a succulent manner. Pointers on choosing the right type of essays have been discussed at length.

We must understand that college students must follow a step-by-step approach to cover projects and topic curation effectively and streamlined. Props and medical exhibits can be showcased while you perform your dissertation concerning your created content.

Above all, a positive frame of approach must be followed by students doing assignments and case studies so that their projects are approved, and they do their project presentation to group audiences in an impressive manner.

Frequently Asked questions or FAQs

1.   How do I choose Medical Research topics?

Answer: It would help if you spent hours researching the latest trends and developments that have evolved in the medical field or the industry. You must refer to books at the libraries, study new journals, and watch news programs to line up a list of the latest topics to pick or choose for your assignments. You can also browse the internet to help you derive the latest Medical research and development issues.

2.   How do I choose college related medical projects in a compelling manner?

Answer: You can chat with your University Head or your Dean’s Council about the topics the College had approved for the previous batch of students. This way, you get essential cues on how to frame-line your topics. You can then improvise these topics for your college-level assignment. This way, you choose compelling topics your College will most likely approve.

3.   What do I do to choose controversial medical topics for my research?

Answer: To choose controversial medical topics for your research, you must learn about the latest trends hitting the wave in the medical research field. You must also understand that there is a reason as to why these topics are dubbed controversial ones. There may be issues of ethics, religion, or ethnicity covering these topics. However, your University will give you a list of points you can proceed with and a list of them you can avoid.

4.   What do I do to coin topics relating to Health care research?

Answer: To coin healthcare research topics, you must analyze the gaps involved in the public healthcare system. It would help if you also examined the challenges in the existing healthcare systems. You can also discover ways and means of covering the current gaps to improve the public health care system. You can choose your topics accordingly.

5.   How do I choose Cancer topics?

Answer: Cancer or Oncology is a vast subject, and you have more than 100 varieties of Cancers that can impact the human body. You have Breast, Lung, Eye, Pancreatic, Neck, and Skin Cancer, and the list can be endless.

Different Cancer patients have to follow other courses of treatments, and the effectiveness of the treatments differs from person to person. So, taking topics that previous batches of your College Alumni have yet to cover is advisable. Taking a word from your HOD will help you narrow down issues effectively and in a streamlined manner.

6.   Can I choose Mental Health topics for my College Assignment?

Answer: Many people have a taboo in expressing their mental illnesses over their physical diseases. This is because they feel pretty embarrassed to discuss with their kin that mental illnesses impact them. It would help to choose topics that break the myth or taboo connected with the same. There are several exciting topics you choose based on mental health and well-being. You can discuss with your peers and select your issues accordingly.



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